Plot: Breathtaking visuals and dramatic storytelling highlight this award-winning documentary series spotlighting extraordinary animals around the world, emphasizing their unpredictable behavior.
Plot: Wildlife cameraman Bob Poole captures "re-wilding" efforts to restore populations at Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique, an area nearly destroyed by civil war. Poole is joined by his sister, Joyce, a renowned elephant researcher, philanthropist Greg Carr and conservationist Edward O. Wilson. The...
Plot: Three teams of specialists file weekly reports on the family life of cheetahs, lions and leopards at a camp in the heart of Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.
Plot: Actor James Norton narrates a series exploring America's iconic Wild West, known for its legends and synonymous with Hollywood productions. Miles of desert landscapes, redwood forests and extreme coastlines make up the topography, shaping the lives of the wildlife and inhabitants of the area. Filmed...
Plot: Cameraman Andy Casagrande likes to get up close and personal with his subjects, even if they're some of the most unpredictable animals on the planet performing their most dangerous task: hunting. In this programme, Casagrande takes alarming risks and uses the most advanced camera technologies in order...
Plot: Wildlife filmmaker Gordon Buchanan embarks on a lifelong ambition to observe a family of Grauer's gorillas. The cameraman travels to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to meet park guides at Kahuzi-Biega National Park, home to the rare Grauer's gorilla, the world's largest primate. Armed with his...