Plot: Filmed with the aid of body cameras that have been fitted to police officers, this documentary series brings viewers into the heart of the action by providing them with an insight into the demands of day-to-day police work. Be it petty crimes, violent street brawls, car thefts, home burglaries, or...
Plot: Investigation Discovery's "The Murder Tapes" chronicles homicide investigations using raw and unfiltered footage, including body-cam, surveillance and interrogation-room footage. Family members react in real time, investigators give their first impressions at crime scenes and suspects protest their...
Plot: "It's not like in the movies," police Sgt. David White says, describing his encounter with a gun-wielding suspect that was captured on his body camera. The video is among those featured on this series, which offers unprecedented access to police units that are using this innovative and vital technology...
Plot: Top Model, o Reality was a Brazilian reality TV series. The show was hosted by Ana Hickmann and co-hosted by Ticiane Pinheiro during casting weeks. Season one first aired on 2 September 2012 and featured 24 semi-finalists. Wikipedia