Plot: Calle 7 was a Chilean television program, shown by TVN from Monday to Friday at 6 pm. It was last co-hosted by Alain Soulat and Lucia Covarrubias, and involved two teams of young adult contenders participating in unique challenges and performing arts to win a top prize at the end of the competition...
Plot: Calle 7 Ecuador was an Ecuadoran television program, shown by TC Televisión from Monday to Friday at 6 pm. It was last co-hosted by Ronald Farina and Jaime Arellano, and involved two teams of young adult contenders participating in unique challenges and performing arts to win a top prize at the...
Plot: This gritty 1960s drama depicts the lives of a U.S. platoon fighting its way across Europe during World War II. The show is a relatively realistic portrait of the fighting, refusing to glamorize either the soldiers or the war itself. Instead, it concentrates on the struggles of the soldiers to maintain...
Plot: Buenos dÃas a todos is a Chilean breakfast television programme aired on Televisión Nacional de Chile since March 9, 1992. The programme contains a mixture of news, interviews, weather forecasts, entertainment and traffic reports. Wikipedia
Plot: Buenos dÃas a todos is a Chilean breakfast television programme aired on Televisión Nacional de Chile since March 9, 1992. The programme contains a mixture of news, interviews, weather forecasts, entertainment and traffic reports. Wikipedia