Plot: BrainTeaser was a British game show based on the original Dutch format of Puzzeltijd, first broadcast in 2002 produced by Endemol UK subsidiary Cheetah Productions. The show was broadcast live, with phone-in viewer puzzles being announced and played during the show in addition to the studio game. Wikipedia...
Plot: Onderweg naar Morgen is a Dutch television soap opera based on Ryan's Hope. The series was aired by Veronica between 1994 and 2001, including co-broadcasting with TROS in 1994 and 1995. Wikipedia
Plot: Flemish version of Wheel of Fortune (1983), a game show featuring 3 contestants who try to solve a puzzle by spinning the wheel and guessing letters in a word or phrase. This Flemish version, in Dutch, of the simple NBC game format was aired twice, with a long interval, by commercial channel VTM: in...
Plot: In this Dutch-Belgian co-production, attractive Dutch and Flemish (i.e. Dutch-speaking Belgian) youngsters have what they consider a dream job, virtually a paid holiday: they are 'proppers', which means a nightclub on the Spanish coast (hence the title) pays them to lure other young tourists by their...
Plot: RTL Boulevard is a daily television programme on the Dutch broadcasting station RTL 4. It was set up as a television equivalent of a tabloid, with a lot of airy subjects, news items and gossip about the stars, fashion and criminality. The programme is renowned for its sarcastic and cynical tone. Wikipedia...