Plot: At Paris talent firm, A.S.K, agents scramble to keep their star clients happy and their business afloat. Three agents, Mathias, Gabriel and Andréa, juggle one situation to another in circumstances that blend their personal and professional lives.
Plot: The son of a wealthy hotelier who must become a bellboy to reclaim his inheritance. The comedy follows the life of a grand hotel where internal wars, romantic relationships and a total lack of professionalism often put the welfare of hotel guests on the back burner. The son of a wealthy hotelier who...
Plot: Balthazar is a French crime-thriller drama television series created by Clothilde Jamin and Clélia Constantine, broadcast in Belgium since November 20, 2018, on La Une, and, in France, since December 6, 2018, on TF1. It was one of the 10 highest-rated dramas in France in 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: French politician Philippe Rickwaert thirsts for revenge against his political enemies. Philippe's political career is in shambles after he is sacrificed by the presidential candidate from the Left, Francis Laugier.