Plot: Žena za pultem was a Czechoslovak television programme which was first broadcast in 1977. The programme was directed by Jaroslav Dudek. The programme was noted for an erotic scene, which received attention from the ruling Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. Wikipedia
Plot: Klárka lives with her younger brother and her grandmother in a village. She keeps a special diary of everything she and her friends experience. These experiences are told in the series.
Plot: The Sinful People of Prague was a Czechoslovak television programme which was first broadcast in 1968. The programme was written and directed by JiÅÃ Sequens. Wikipedia
Plot: Taková normálnà rodinka was a Czechoslovak television programme which was first broadcast in 1971. The programme was directed by Jaroslav Dudek. Originally shot as a stand-alone situation comedy piece of approx. 45 minutes of length, that later became a pilot for a series of eight episodes...
Plot: Hospital at the End of the City is a popular television series first released in Czechoslovakia in 1977. It featured an ensemble cast and received much viewer praise in central Europe. The series ran from 1977 to 1981 for a total of twenty episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: F. L. VÄk was a Czechoslovak television programme which was first broadcast in 1971, based on Alois Jirásek's book of the same name. The programme was directed by FrantiÅ¡ek Filip. Wikipedia
Plot: The Youngest of the Hamr Family is a Czechoslovak television series which was first broadcast in 1975. The show was written by Jaroslav Dietl and directed by Evžen Sokolovský. Wikipedia
Plot: Muž na radnici was a Czechoslovak television program which was broadcast in 1976. The program was directed by Evžen Sokolovský. In 2011, it was announced that the program, along with 17 others, would be released on DVD within three years. Wikipedia