Plot: Don't Just Sit There is a television show on Nickelodeon that first aired in 1988 and lasted for three seasons. The show was a talk show mixed with comedy sketches. Segments included making food or taking things apart such as a Nintendo. Wikipedia
Plot: Whoopi's Littleburg is an American musical children's television series originally airing on Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. It was created by Johnny Belt and Robert Scull, who would later go on to create Bubble Guppies and Butterbean's Cafe, the latter of whom co-directed the show along with Tim Hill. Wikipedia...
Plot: Out of Control is an American sketch comedy television series created by Bob Hughes for Nickelodeon. Hosted by Dave Coulier, it centers on the production of a fictional news program. Coulier's character is the coordinator of the news show who vainly tries to get his eccentric crew members to work together...
Plot: Known as "The Great Frame Game." Get the Picture was a great game show, hosted by Mike O'Malley, that aired from March 18, 1991 to December 6, 1991 on Nickelodeon. Two separate teams were tasked with answering questions and playing games for a chance to guess an obscured picture displayed on a giant...
Plot: "Keep it Spotless" is a kids competition series that focuses on keeping everything --you got it-- spotless and clean. The contestants are competing for cash prizes, and they must keep themselves clean as they navigate an obstacle course designed specifically to make them messy. They must avoid the...
Plot: Video Comics, alternatively called Video Comic Book, was a children's show that originally aired on Columbus Alive!, a channel on QUBE, and was produced at QUBE's studios in Columbus, Ohio. It later aired on Nickelodeon from 1979 to 1981, and was one of the nascent network's inaugural programs. Wikipedia...
Plot: Standby...Lights! Camera! Action! was an American educational television series hosted by Leonard Nimoy. The program aired on Nickelodeon from October 1982 to December 31, 1987. Wikipedia
Plot: A team of kids go out to win prizes by convincing passers by to do one of three crazy things. If they get all three, they win a prize. In the studio, people randomly picked from the audience guess how many of the three challenges each team will achieve. A team of kids go out to win prizes by convincing...
Plot: Livewire was a kids' talk show on the U.S. television cable network, Nickelodeon which began in September 1980 and ended in 1985. The series was designed for kids of all ages, and the show's main focus discussed true current events and stories during those times. Wikipedia
Plot: This show aired on the childrens' network Nickelodeon. Kids would send in their original stories and the actors would act them out. Typical of the early 80's fashions, all actors wore brightly colored spandex bodysuits.
Plot: Rated K: For Kids by Kids is an American movie review television program that ran on the cable network Nickelodeon from 1986รข1988. The original hosts were Matt Nespole, Lakmini Besbroda, Mark Shanahan, and Rebecca Schwager. Other first wave hosts included Jennifer Rosa, Kimani Bethea...
Plot: Going Bananas is a live-action superhero/comedy television series produced by Hanna-Barbera and ran from September 15 to December 1, 1984 on NBC. Wikipedia
Plot: Kids' Court is a children's television/nontraditional court show aired by Nickelodeon. First airing on September 10, 1988 and ending in 1989, it was hosted by actor Paul Provenza. Wikipedia
Plot: First Row Features is an American anthology series that premiered on the television network Nickelodeon in February 1980 and continued to air until January 1982. It mainly carried British television films for children and family audiences, most of which were filmed in the 1950sรข60s...
Plot: Video Comics, alternatively called Video Comic Book, was a children's show that originally aired on Columbus Alive!, a channel on QUBE, and was produced at QUBE's studios in Columbus, Ohio. It later aired on Nickelodeon from 1979 to 1981, and was one of the nascent network's inaugural programs. Wikipedia...
Plot: Nickel Flicks is a children's television series that premiered on Nickelodeon in 1979 as one of the network's inaugural programs, and the first original series created for the channel after its launch. It showcased "cliffhanger" serials from the 1920sรข40s, in addition to early comic...
Plot: Nickelodeon Robot Wars is a game show that aired on Nickelodeon from August 25, 2002 to October 6, 2002. Hosted by Dave Aizer, the show was Nickelodeon's take on Robot Wars, the popular and long-running robot-fighting game show. The show was canceled after one season, and subsequently aired on Nick...
Plot: Hocus Focus is the name of a children's television series that aired from 1979 to 1981, which aired on the then-fledgling Nickelodeon network. Wikipedia
Plot: Nickelodeon Launch Box is an educational television series that was produced jointly by Nickelodeon, NASA and the Astronauts Memorial Foundation. It was meant to teach kids about space travel technology. Wikipedia