Plot: The burger is a staple of what is considered classic American cuisine, but it has evolved beyond the basic beef patty on a bun that dates back to the early 20th century, if not before. This competition series pits up-and-coming chefs against established culinary professionals to see who can come up...
Plot: What's better than a big, beefy burger to satisfy a big, beef-craving appetite? Nothing, says George Motz. As author of the best-selling book "Hamburger America" and creator of the same-named documentary, Motz knows the subject inside and out. On the half-hour series, he takes viewers on a taste-testing...
Plot: Seasoned professionals give lesser-skilled chefs some culinary lessons in a series where Britain's best chefs meet the worst. In just three weeks the students' skills are put to the test as they are given control of world- class kitchens. Will they succeed in applying their newfound knowledge or will...
Plot: The host travels to various locations in search of the best burgers and beers. He picks up delicious recipes along the way and whips up great dishes.
Plot: Host Guy Fieri goes on a road trip and visits diners, drive-in restaurants and dive bars that are popular among the locals in the US, and interacts with the owners, staff and the customers.