Plot: 99 Years of Love ãJapanese Americansã is a five-episode Japanese-language TV miniseries produced by TBS for its 60th anniversary announced in 3â7 November 2010, starring Tsuyoshi Kusanagi and Yukie Nakama, and sponsored by Toyota and Panasonic. Wikipedia...
Plot: Wagaya no Rekishi is a Japanese three-part television mini-series, shown on Fuji TV from April 9, 2010 to April 11, 2010 to celebrate its 50th Anniversary. The show was known for its star-st cast. Wikipedia
Plot: Inu o Kau to Iu Koto is a Japanese television series which premiered on TV Asahi on April 15, 2011. Its full title is Inu o kau toyuu kotoã sukai to wagaya no 180-nichiã. Wikipedia
Plot: Makoto is a promising oarsman at a University regatta team. One day, he loses his best friend by a tragic accident which he believes and blames himself for the very cause. Although he once leaves the team out of tremendous sense of responsibility, he finally decides to return by the encouragement of...
Plot: The drama portrays the hard struggles of a 37-year-old man who decided to quit his job as a salaryman at a food company and is now working as a medical intern at a university hospital.
Plot: Tokyo Friends is a Japanese television drama released on June 3, 2005. Unlike many other dramas, it was never aired on TV but released as a set of 3 DVDs. Volumes one and two contain the first 4 episodes while volume three contains the last episode. Each episode is approximately 70 minutes. Wikipedia...