Plot: A healthy appetite and a willing palate are essential traits for fans of "MeatEater." From hunting turkey in Florida and elk in Kentucky, to grizzlies in British Columbia and antelope in New Mexico, avid outdoorsman, author and TV personality Steven Rinella pursues a wide variety of prey during thrill...
Plot: Bowhunting in the heartland of the United States is at the heart of this series, which documents hunting adventures in Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, South Dakota and North Dakota. Proud Missourians Michael Hunsucker and Shawn Luchtel lead many of the hunts -- Luchtel is also a cinematographer...
Plot: "Realtree Outdoors" follows host Bill Jordan and friends on real-life hunting trips across North America. Jordan offers bowhunting tips and product information along the way. Trips have included hunts in Q for caribou, Utah for elk and Kentucky for wild turkeys.
Plot: A reality series which focuses on the tangata whenua (locals) who hunt throughout Aotearoa (New Zealand). Offering an insight into the exciting and thrilling world of hunting.
Plot: Bill Gorman, great-grandson of legendary outdoorsman and pioneering outdoor retailer Leon Leonwood Bean, represents the L.L. Bean family and business as he hosts adventures to some of the world's premier hunting destinations. Whether in pursuit of red stag in Austria, Dall sheep in Alaska, cape buffalo...
Plot: Tom Miranda brings viewers inside the thrill of big-game bowhunting, sharing tips and strategies as he tracks species across dangerous terrain. Miranda's impressive hunting accomplishments have been documented by his own production company for more than two decades, with "Territories Wild" being just...
Plot: After Mike Pawlawski retired from football, it didn't take him long to find an activity that replicated the excitement of big-time sports. The former quarterback -- he played in the NFL and Arena Football League and is a member of the California Golden Bears Hall of Fame -- began a new career as a...