Plot: AMC has proven its considerable skill in producing historical Western content (`Broken Trail', `Hell on Wheels'). The network dips into the same well again with the limited event series `Robert Redford's The West', a docudrama that shows how, in the aftermath of the Civil War, the United States tran...
Plot: This 10-part, 18-hour documentary series from directors Ken Burns and Lynn Novick presents firsthand accounts of the Vietnam War from nearly 80 witnesses, including Americans who fought in the war and some who opposed it, as well as Vietnamese combatants and civilians from both sides. Digitally remastered...
Plot: This nine-part series is the work that made documentarian Ken Burns a household name. Burns uses contemporary cinematography in addition to thousands of archival photographs, paintings and newspaper images set to music to teach people about the Civil War. A number of well-known actors and actresses...
Plot: Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies is a 2015 American documentary film produced and directed by Barak Goodman and executive produced by Ken Burns. Wikipedia
Plot: This three-part, six-hour prequel to "Lonesome Dove" finds Texas Rangers Augustus "Gus" McCrae and Woodrow F. Call in their middle years with their two great loves, Clara Forsythe and Maggie Tilton, respectively. The two men join a Ranger troop to pursue three outlaws: the Comanche war chief Buffalo...
Plot: Presented and written by Henry Louis Gates Jr., this six-hour series guides viewers on a journey across two continents to explore the transition of African-Americans. The series encompasses five centuries of events, visits key sites, and engages in debates with historians and eyewitnesses like school...
Plot: Examine the group of the faithful who were crucial influences during the colonial period - the Church of England, the Puritans, Baptist, Quakers, and others.
Plot: This landmark series, which first premiered in 1987, documents the history of the civil rights movement in America. Produced by Blackside, segments include the Montgomery bus boycott of 1954, school desegregation in 1957 Arkansas, the right-to-vote battle within Mississippi, the march from Selma to...
Plot: Despite American devotion to the separation of church and state, religion and religious dissidents have played a crucial role in the development of the nation. This six-hour miniseries traces that history and the struggle to define religious liberty, from the arrival of the Puritans to the religious...
Plot: During the US expansion into Indian Territory, a doctor, an Indian chief and a senator deal with the upheaval. While the chief fights for his people, the senator ensures a humane treatment for them.
Plot: Dreamkeeper is a 2003 film written by John Fusco and directed by Steve Barron. The main plot of the film is the conflict between a Lakota elder and storyteller named Pete Chasing Horse and his Lakota grandson, Shane Chasing Horse. Wikipedia
Plot: Vietnam: A Television History is a 13-part American documentary and television mini-series about the Vietnam War from the perspective of the United States. It was produced for public television by WGBH-TV in Boston, and it was originally broadcast on PBS between October 4 and December 20, 1983. Wikipedia...
Plot: "American Experience" combines dramatic re-enactments with commentary by historians and authors to present an absorbing look at the personalities, events and resources that have had a profound impact on the shaping of America's past and present. Many of the program's documentaries have received major...