Plot: In this unique take on British history, Professor Alice Roberts explores Britain's rich and varied past through the stories of individual towns. In each programme Alice studies key periods in British history by delving into the secrets of historic towns. Alice combines the bigger national picture with...
Plot: The ebb and flow of the tide covers and uncovers a great deal of British history with each daily cycle. Paleobiologist Dr Tori Herridge and archaeologist Dr Alex Langlands meet up with Britain's leading coastal archaeologists to uncover the maritime, industrial and natural history that lies beneath...
Plot: Written and presented by British journalist David Dimbleby, `Seven Ages of Britain' traces 2,000 years of the country's history through the arts - both as objects that have often played a decisive part in events and as marvels of their age. Dimbleby visits countries including Italy, Germany, Turkey...
Plot: Dean Lomax, one of Britain's youngest palaeontologists, joins forces with presenter Ellie Harrison, who became fascinated with dinosaurs from childhood, to host a series exploring the intriguing history of dinosaurs that once roamed British lands. The UK is a particular area of interest in dinosaur...
Plot: This series reveals 50 treasures and historical artefacts discovered by ordinary people that have changed people's understanding of British history. The programme, presented by journalist Michael Buerk and historian Bettany Hughes, maps out the discoveries recorded by the British Museum's Portable...
Plot: Presenter Tony Robinson explores Britain's network of ancient tracks in this documentary series. Across the country there are trackways that have been used for over 5000 years, in this series Robinson uncovers the legends behind them and discusses undiscovered mysteries. In the first episode the host...
Plot: The observational documentary series `Inside RAF Brize Norton' follows a cast of military and civilian men and women who work at one of the biggest and busiest Air Force bases in the world. It is the first time a documentary film crew have been granted round-the-clock access to the RAF base, the country...