Plot: Jackie Bushman is not only an accomplished hunter but also a popular entertainer. In addition to hosting one of the longest-running hunting shows on TV, "Buckmasters," which takes its name from the deer-hunting association he founded more than 30 years ago, Bushman takes viewers on exciting hunts across...
Plot: The father-and-son hunting team of Greg and Jake Miller garnered a loyal following on the Outdoor Channel with "In Pursuit With Greg and Jake." But as popular as that show became, the Millers knew it could be better, so they decided to rebrand it as "The Hunt With Greg and Jake." It features a different...
Plot: White-tailed deer, arguably the most popular big-game species to hunt, are covered from antler to toe in this series, which is an extension of the same-named and longtime-published magazine. Co-hosts Stan Potts and Gordon Whittington provide authoritative coverage of world-class trophy hunting adventures...
Plot: "Whitetail Diaries" showcases the best hunting stories from across the country that highlight North America's most popular game animal, the whitetail deer. Host Wade Middleton, an avid outdoorsman and hunting enthusiast, visits others who share his passions and joins them as they hunt using a variety...
Plot: Tom Miranda brings viewers inside the thrill of big-game bowhunting, sharing tips and strategies as he tracks species across dangerous terrain. Miranda's impressive hunting accomplishments have been documented by his own production company for more than two decades, with "Territories Wild" being just...
Plot: The team at Realtree brings hunting fans closer to the action in this series, which records adventures across North America and the world in search of trophy white-tailed bucks. Whether the weapon of choice is a bow, muzzleloader, rifle or shotgun, the chase is always one part skill, one part luck...
Plot: The team at Realtree brings hunting fans closer to the action in this series, which records adventures across North America and the world in search of trophy white-tailed bucks. Whether the weapon of choice is a bow, muzzleloader, rifle or shotgun, the chase is always one part skill, one part luck...