Plot: Lotta på Liseberg, also called Allsång på Liseberg, is a Swedish sing-along show held at Stora scenen at the amusement park Liseberg in Gothenburg every Monday evening during the summers since 2004, hosted by Lotta Engberg and conducted by Curt-Eric Holmquist, the pianist. It is produced by...
Plot: Skavlan is a Norwegian-Swedish television talk show hosted by Norwegian journalist Fredrik Skavlan. It premiered in Sweden on Sveriges Television in January 2009, and the first guests to appear on the show were former Prime Minister of Sweden Göran Persson and his wife Anitra Steen. Wikipedia
Plot: Nyhetsmorgon is a Swedish morning news and talk show that is broadcast every morning on TV4. Nyhetsmorgon started airing on 14 September 1992. Wikipedia
Plot: Dance-loving celebrities compete against each other with a professional dance partner. Every week, a couple has to leave the show by audience vote.
Plot: Så ska det låta is a Swedish game show, based on the Irish The Lyrics Board. The show was introduced in 1997 and led by Peter Harryson until Peter Settman took over in 2006. In 2014, Kalle Moraeus became the third host of the show. Wikipedia
Plot: Allsång på Skansen is a Swedish show held at Skansen, Stockholm, every summer on Tuesdays between 8pm and 9pm. The audience is supposed to sing along with musical guest stars to well-known Swedish songs. The show started in 1935 on a small scale; about 50 people in the audience. Wikipedia
Plot: Bingolotto is a Swedish primetime television game show lottery that was first broadcast 1989 on local TV and since 1991 nationwide on the Swedish network TV4. The show is a collaboration work between Swedish TV channel TV4, the Swedish lottery game company Folkspel and the Swedish sports life. Wikipedia...
Plot: Entertainer Adam Carolla combines three of his greatest gifts -- comedy, carpentry and gab -- to create this innovative live series. The renowned television, radio and internet personality takes on building projects with some of his big-name Hollywood friends, thereby showcasing his master carpentry...
Plot: Fort Boyard is a French game show created by Jacques Antoine that was first broadcast on 7 July 1990. Foreign versions of the show, with varying success, have aired around the world since 1990. Wikipedia
Plot: Sommarkrysset is a Swedish television program that is broadcast live from the Gröna Lund amusement park in Stockholm during the summer. It was first shown on 3 June 2005. Wikipedia
Plot: Every episode is presented by a host, and features parodies of Swedish and American shows and movies, as well as imitations of various celebrities. There's also satire of politics, parties and politicians, sometimes accompanied with a mash-up parody of a movie or show. Every episode is presented by...