Plot: In 1950 professor Kurt Drøvel vanished while exploring the unchartered river Overfloden outside of Oslo, Norway. All rescue attempts failed. 28 years later, the brothers Dal have started a journey, by canoe, up Overfloden, in order to establish what really happened to professor Drøvel. In 1950 professor...
Plot: Brødrene Dal is a Norwegian television series by Norwegian comedy trio KLM, that originally aired as four series in 1979, 1982, 1994 and 2005. A fifth adventure, originally performed on stage in 1997, was edited and released as a movie in 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: A Christmas calendar about a girl named Jenteungen and a boy named Storm she is a rødnisse and he is a blånisse they live different lives in the mountain and on a farm called Tuftegåren.
Plot: A hermit farmer discovers his late father's secret journal containing plans to a magnetic powered machine that could change the world, while unexpectedly becoming custodian of his gifted 6 year old nephew, after his mom's untimely death.
Plot: Karl & Co is a Norwegian situation comedy created by Tore Ryen, starring Nils Vogt reprising his role as Karl Reverud from the popular sitcom Mot i brøstet. It aired on TV 2, running for three seasons from 1998 to 2001, a total of 63 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Marve is a middle-aged bachelor living alone, with his mother. Marve has extraordinary opinions about life, and when everything seems to go wrong despite his best intentions. But he is proud to be a leader at work - in a storage.
Plot: Dag is a Norwegian comedy-drama television series which originally aired on the Norwegian television channel TV 2 from 2010 to 2015. The series is about a marriage guidance counsellor, Dag, who has little faith in people or marriage. Wikipedia