Plot: The eight-part documentary series presents unprecedented access to perhaps the most arduous basic military training programme in the world. The Royal Marines' Commando Training Centre in Devon puts recruits through a 32-week programme that tests physical and mental breaking points. In fact, more than...
Plot: During the summer of 2005, filmmaker Gordon Forbes spends three months embedded with the US Marine Corps' 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion in Iraq's Sunni Triangle, documenting their struggles as they fight the War on Terror.
Plot: This docuseries chronicles recent U.S. Special Operations Forces missions in the global war on terror. First-person accounts from more than 90 veterans help give viewers a candid look at the realities of war. Members of the Army Rangers, Green Berets, Marines and Navy SEALs are among the service members...
Plot: Hosted by longtime firearms reporter Jim Scoutten, "Shooting USA" covers everything fans and consumers want to know about the shooting sports industry, including reports from national championships, field tests of product performance claims, history lessons from gun collectors, tips from professional...
Plot: Actor Ross Kemp is back with another documentary series, this time focusing on people around the world involved in illicit trading and other heinous crimes. In each episode, the former `EastEnders' actor confronts criminals responsible for drug dealing, human trafficking, murder and rape, and he also...