Plot: Nardebรm-e Asmรn is an Iranian TV series directed by Mohammad Hossein Latifi and produced in 2008. It is a historical and biographical series about the life and career of Iranian mathematician and astronomer Jamshid Kashani, also known as Jamshid Al-Kashi. It was broadcast during...
Plot: Soltan-e Sahebgharan is an Iranian historical 1974 TV series directed by Ali Hatami. It stars Jamshid Mashayekhi, Naser Malek Motiee, Iren, Parviz Fanizadeh, Zari Khoshkam, Saeed Nikpour and Jahangir Forouhar. Wikipedia
Plot: Hezar Dastan is a 1987 popular and critically acclaimed epic historical drama television series in Iran, developed and directed by Ali Hatami. Hezar Dastan is considered one of the most important and most influential works of art in the history of Iranian Broadcasting. Wikipedia
Plot: Soltan-e Sahebgharan is an Iranian historical 1974 TV series directed by Ali Hatami. It stars Jamshid Mashayekhi, Naser Malek Motiee, Iren, Parviz Fanizadeh, Zari Khoshkam, Saeed Nikpour and Jahangir Forouhar. Wikipedia
Plot: The television series The English Briefcase was produced in the year 2000. It was one of the most popular series of its time. It was directed by Ziaeddin Dorri. The movie takes advantage of the role play of Leila Hatami whose movie A Separation was an Oscar Award winner in 2012. Wikipedia