Plot: Clint "Doc" Cassidy is a handsome country doctor from Montana who moves to the Big Apple. His down-to-earth style and bedside manner endear him to the patients at a Manhattan clinic, but he encounters resistance from his colleagues and the system. Without losing his values, common sense and country...
Plot: A much loved romantic comedy-drama from the black-and-white age of Afrikaans film-making that deals with bureaucratic bungling and accidental 'living in sin'. Planning their 25th wedding anniversary, the Van der Merwe couple realise that their marriage certificate is lost. When they go to the relevant...
Plot: Experimentos Extraordinários (Extraordinary Experiments) is a sitcom that follows the production crew of a TV show about experiments, gadgets and pranks. Iberê Thenório is hired as the producer, director, art director, and technical consultant of the show. But his team members, Camila, Guido, Laura...