Plot: Whenever documentary filmmakers at Discovery Channel and the BBC unite for a project, stellar television seems to follow. The breakthrough natural history series "Life" stemmed from this collaboration in 2009, and "Africa" follows suit in stunning fashion. It's narrated by actor Forest Whitaker, who...
Plot: This series explores the natural landscape of Colombia and its extraordinary wildlife. With its location on the equator, and both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans on its border, the country is abounding with diverse geography. The show documents Colombia's exotic lands like the snow-capped mountain...
Plot: The intense and dramatic experiences of revered wildlife veterinarian Doctor Douw Grobler and his partner, top game ranger and a specialist on dangerous creatures JJ Van Altena. They risk their lives to save the continent's most dangerous animals.
Plot: The peninsula of Indochina, located southwest of China and east of India, is home to some of the most breathtaking natural wonders on the planet. The programme visits such locations as Vietnam, Malaysia and Cambodia to take a look at some of the exotic creatures found in those areas. Some of the featured...
Plot: Wildlife cameraman Bob Poole captures "re-wilding" efforts to restore populations at Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique, an area nearly destroyed by civil war. Poole is joined by his sister, Joyce, a renowned elephant researcher, philanthropist Greg Carr and conservationist Edward O. Wilson. The...
Plot: A spectacular three-part series following Botswana's most iconic and charismatic creatures as they look to mate and bring up a family in a world full of dangers.