Plot: Comedian and impressionist Rory Bremner is on a personal mission to uncover the science of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a condition which he has suspected he has. In this film, Rory learns about the science of ADHD, goes for a diagnosis, and tries the drug methylphenidate for the first...
Plot: Sir David Attenborough narrates this critically acclaimed series that dives deep into the marine environment of Planet Earth. Although two-thirds of the world's surface is covered with water, scientists know less about the oceans than they do about the surface of the moon. This limited series travels...
Plot: In this three-part documentary, Richard Hammond takes a journey into the parallel universe that lies beyond the limits of the naked eye. Using state-of-the-art technologies, Hammond discovers the world beyond these limits and explores the hidden secrets of the invisible world around us, from natural...
Plot: Walking with Cavemen is a four-part television documentary series about human evolution produced by the BBC in the United Kingdom. It was originally released in March 2003. It was subsequently presented in the United States as a two-part series by the Discovery Channel and its affiliates. Wikipedia
Plot: David Attenborough hunts fossils and what they reveal, showing dramatic finds, ancient interpretations, and methods of exposing fossils and reconstructing extinct animals.
Plot: Supernatural: The Unseen Powers of Animals, also called Supernature, is a six-part British nature documentary television miniseries that was produced by John Downer Productions and commissioned by the BBC Natural History Unit, the same team behind the earlier successful shows Supersense and Lifesense...
Plot: The Human Body is a seven-part documentary series, first shown on 20 May 1998 on BBC One and presented by medical scientist Robert Winston. A co-production between the BBC and The Learning Channel, the series looks at the mechanics and emotions of the human body from birth to death. Wikipedia