Plot: An action-packed adventure through Africa's remaining untamed wildernesses, exploring the continent's iconic natural wonders, awe-inspiring beauty and unique, diverse wildlife.
Plot: Historian David Olusoga explores Britain's history, examining the country's relationship with people of African descent. Throughout the documentary Olusoga visits historically significant sites and erects 20 plaques over Britain, Africa and the Caribbean to commemorate events and people. Beginning...
Plot: Over six episodes, "American Dynasties: The Kennedys" takes viewers inside America's "First Family," revealing how personal relationships within the Kennedy dynasty helped shape national and global events, from the Cuban Missile Crisis to civil rights legislation. The docuseries spans the lives of...
Plot: Whenever documentary filmmakers at Discovery Channel and the BBC unite for a project, stellar television seems to follow. The breakthrough natural history series "Life" stemmed from this collaboration in 2009, and "Africa" follows suit in stunning fashion. It's narrated by actor Forest Whitaker, who...
Plot: A spectacular three-part series following Botswana's most iconic and charismatic creatures as they look to mate and bring up a family in a world full of dangers.