Plot: Twice a year, hunters head into the wilderness on the rugged island of Kodiak, Alaska, in search of the Kodiak brown bear, the world's largest land predator. "The Hunt" documents the pursuit, detailing the miles of treacherous terrain and tough weather conditions the hunters face during the 10-day...
Plot: Experienced outdoorsmen Craig Boddington, Kevin Steele and Mike Schoby take viewers on high-adrenaline hunting adventures in North America, South America, Africa and Europe, where they chase big-game species including elk, pronghorn, Eurasian boar, eland, mule deer, ibex and javelina. The series is...
Plot: An isolated island community experiences miraculous events - and frightening omens - after the arrival of a charismatic, mysterious young priest.
Plot: The beautiful outdoors of Canada, from the majestic mountains of British Columbia to the mysterious bogs of Newfoundland, stars in this long-running and award-winning series. It's presented since 2010 by a combination of the Beasley brothers -- Paul, Keith and Kevin -- joined by special guests for...