Plot: Wlad Lahlal is an Algerian television series, produced and broadcast by Echorouk Group, and directed by Nasir al-Din al-Suhaili. It premiered in 2019 on Echorouk TV and Echorouk Plus. Wikipedia
Plot: The Shock of the New is a 1980 documentary television series written and presented by Robert Hughes for the BBC in association with Time-Life Films. It was produced by Lorna Pegram and she directed three of the episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Djemai Family is an Algerian TV series broadcast during the months of Ramadan 2008, 2009 and 2011. It is produced by SD-BOX, written by Osama Benhassine and Djaffar Gacem, dialogued by Mohamed Charchal. Wikipedia
Plot: Dar El Bahdja is an Algerian TV series broadcast during the month of Ramadan 2013. It is produced by SD-BOX, directed by Djaffar Gacem, dialogued by Mohamed Charchal. The series tells the diaries of a popular neighborhood dwellers, problems and events among them in a comedic framework. Wikipedia