Plot: It's the 1990s in Boring, Ore., and groups of outcasts in Boring High School's AV and drama clubs are trying to brave the ups and downs of teenage life in a simpler world without smartphones and other 21st century technology. The two crews of nerdy students are frustrated that no one is taking them...
Plot: While New York witnesses the evolution of the ball culture and the rise of the Trump-era, an LGBTQ ball fixture, Blanca, starts her own house and turns mother to a gifted dancer and a sex worker.
Plot: Comic Aziz Ansari and writer Alan Yang are the creators of this Netflix-original comedy, which is loosely based on Ansari's real-life experiences. Ansari plays the role of Dev, a New York-based actor who is struggling to identify what he really wants, both personally and professionally. The series reveals...
Plot: Comedy duo Thomas Middleditch and Ben Schwartz improvise performances based on audience suggestions, from NYU Skirball Center for the Performing Arts in New York City.
Plot: Mind Field is an American web television series produced exclusively for YouTube Premium, created and presented by Michael Stevens, the creator of the YouTube channel Vsauce. Wikipedia
Plot: Atlanta is one of the top cities for young rappers looking to make a name for themselves in the business. Among those up-and-comers is Alfred Miles, a hot new artist who is trying to understand the line between real life and street life. He is managed by his cousin, Earn, who gets caught up in the...