Plot: A yellow fusilier fish named Splash and his friend Bubbles, a Mandarin dragonet, explore life under the sea with their pals in "Splash and Bubbles," the newest series from PBS Kids. Co-produced by The Jim Henson Co., the animated series is designed to teach children aged 4-7 about marine life and the...
Plot: Pim and Pimba play imaginative games with an object they have uncovered in the snow. The penguins, like young toddlers, have a great time pretending that a pot is a hat or a boat, in this exciting fun-filled show.
Plot: This series encourages children to eat fruits and vegetables through simple and fun recipes. They discover how to make characters, animals and other objects with food of all kinds.
Plot: Plasticine animation depicts the antics of two lively kittens named Mio and Mao, as they discover a variety of animals and objects hidden within their garden.
Plot: Harry the Bunny is a children's television show on the channel BabyFirstTV. It features a plush "talking" bunny named Harry and his many adventures both inside his house and in his backyard. The show teaches things such as color recognition, counting, etc. and even delves into social interaction and...
Plot: Shushybye is an original dream-themed entertainment brand for preschoolers/toddlers, encompassing a national television series on BabyFirst, a series of bedtime storybooks from St. Martin's Press, toys, and plush dolls, music CDs, DVDs and sleepwear. Wikipedia
Plot: Squeak! is a children's TV show made by SMG Productions for the ITV network children's strand CITV. The series re-broadcast in 2007 on STV, on their wknd@stv strand - and from 2014 as part of the "Weans' World" block on STV Glasgow and STV Edinburgh. There is a DVD boxset available which features all...