Plot: Project Runway Malaysia is a Malaysian reality television series on 8TV that focuses on fashion design. Its contestants compete with each other to create the best clothes and are usually restricted in their time, materials, and theme. Their designs are judged and one or more designers are eliminated...
Plot: Gol & Gincu was a 2006 Malaysian TV series spun off from the 2005 film of the same title produced by Red Films and directed by Bernard Chauly, continuing upon the affairs of the all-female futsal team "Bukan Team Biasa". Wikipedia
Plot: After her favorite client dies in her taxi, Shirley Simmons inherits his company, Grayson Industries. She decides to run it with the help of Grayson's secretary Nancy and nephew Barton, facing off against her nemesis Mr. Cushing. Edna and Raymond are Shirley's parents. After her favorite client dies...
Plot: Malaysian Idol is the Malaysian version of the Idol Series that started in UK, similar to shows such as UK's Pop Idol and American Idol in the franchise. Wikipedia
Plot: Join the team on their journey of discovery as they explore new destinations around the globe and uncover hidden sides to some of the world's favourite holiday hotspots.
Plot: Akademi Fantasia is Malaysia's first reality television show in which a number of contestants called students compete for the winning title and a chance to start their career in the entertainment industry. The first season premiered on 3 June 2003 and was one of Astro Ria's highest rated shows. Wikipedia...