Plot: France Five, originally titled Jūshi Sentai France Five and later known as Shin Kenjūshi France Five, is a French Mini series directed by Alex Pilot and produced by Buki X-4 Productions in the 2000s. Wikipedia
Plot: The troubled life of Benjamin Nerdzovsky (a.k.a. DarkAngel64), an antisocial nerd who lives in an apartment with his three roommates: Jérome (a hipster), Caroline (a naive student) and Régis-Robert, his best friend with mental disorders.
Plot: Choudenshi Bioman is Toei Company's eighth installment in the Super Sentai metaseries. Its 51 episodes aired on TV Asahi from February 4, 1984 to January 26, 1985 with a movie being released during the show's initial run. Wikipedia