Plot: Set in the suburbs of Naples, Italy, the crime drama goes inside the Camorra, a fierce Neapolitan crime organization led by Pietro Savastano. The story is told through the eyes of Don Pietro's right-hand man, Ciro Di Marzio, whose faith in the family is tested when he realizes how far Don Pietro is...
Plot: A dry-witted woman, known only as Fleabag, has no filter as she navigates life and love in London while trying to cope with tragedy. The angry, grief-riddled woman tries to heal while rejecting anyone who tries to help her, but Fleabag continues to keep up her bravado through it all. Comic actress Phoebe...
Plot: By day, the Duncan's are an upstanding family who run a car dealership. By night, they live a dangerous secret life. When they come under siege the Duncan's will have to stick together, or die.
Plot: A former US Marine poses as an inmate inside a Mexican prison, in order to infiltrate a dangerous gang suspected of kidnapping a US judge's teenage daughter.
Plot: Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzmán is notorious for being one of the biggest drug kingpins in history, but he obviously didn't start out at the top. This crime drama tracks El Chapo's life in crime, from his lowly beginnings in the Guadalajara Cartel in the 1980s through his rise to power -- and eventual...
Plot: Netflix chronicles the rise of the cocaine trade in Colombia and the gripping real-life stories of drug kingpins of the late '80s in this raw, gritty original series. Also detailed are the actions taken by law enforcement as they battle in the war on drugs, targeting notorious and powerful figures that...
Plot: Inspired by a real-life political scandal, "Suburra: Blood on Rome" features a fight over development land in a coastal town near Rome. The church, political figures, members of organized crime, local gangs and real estate developers all collide in the battle, with the lines between the legal and the...