Plot: Actor Billy Connolly has had a lifelong dream of travelling the world's most famous highway, picturesque Route 66 in the United States. This programme follows Connolly as he traverses the 2488-mile road that stretches from Chicago to Santa Monica, Calif. While travelling the road on his Boom motor-...
Plot: In the summer of 2008, comic and actor Billy Connolly embarked on a journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific by way of a scintillatingly scenic northern Canada route. Whether by plane, rail, road or boat, Connolly takes in the sweeping landscapes along a less-inhabited path that allows him to discover...
Plot: Billy goes far off the beaten track as he follows the migratory trail of the Scots through America. Starting in New York and finishing in the heart of America, Nashville, Tennessee. Featuring music, football, gangsters, whales, and more.
Plot: Billy goes far off the beaten track as he follows the migratory trail of the Scots through America. Starting in New York and finishing in the heart of America, Nashville, Tennessee. Featuring music, football, gangsters, whales, and more.
Plot: "Meet the Natives: USA" introduces viewers to five tribesmen from the remote Pacific island of Tanna, whose mission is to spread their wisdom and kindness as they travel across the United States visiting such otherworldly locales as Manhattan, Los Angeles and Washington, D.C.
Plot: Featuring intimate interviews with Billy Connolly, providing unique insight into the early influences and motivations that made this comedy legend the man he is today.
Plot: Billy Connolly's World Tour of Australia is the second in a line of âworld toursâ that follow comedian Billy Connolly on his various travels across the globe. Wikipedia