Plot: Horst Schimanski is a homicide detective with a leading role in the German crime television series Tatort, as well as the spin-off Schimanski. Portrayed by Götz George, the character made his debut in the 1981 episode "Duisburg-Ruhrort" and appeared in 29 episodes until 1991. Wikipedia
Plot: American troops stationed all over the world look forward to being able to return home and reunite with their loved ones. "Coming Home" is there to document soldiers' surprise reunions with family and friends as they return to American soil. Soldiers from all five branches of the military see their...
Plot: In 1942, the crew of U612, a German U-boat, embark on their maiden voyage. Meanwhile, a young woman finds herself caught between the Gestapo and the French Resistance.
Plot: Shaun the Sheep thinks and acts like a person in a barnyard, which usually gets him into trouble. The farmer's sheepdog, Bitzer, tries to keep Shaun and his friends out of trouble. The farmer is oblivious to the humanlike features of his flock, who are like one big, happy family.