Plot: "Cardinal" is based on the novels of crime writer Giles Blunt and focuses on detective John Cardinal and his partner, Lise Delorme. The two detectives investigate crime in the city of Algonquin Bay, such ones can include the murder of a young girl. Cardinal works to right past wrongs that could threaten...
Plot: Dee Dee Blanchard is overprotective of her daughter, Gypsy, who is trying to escape the toxic relationship she has with her mother. Gypsy's quest for independence opens up a Pandora's box of secrets, which ultimately leads to murder. The stranger-than-fiction true-crime series is based on a 2016 BuzzFeed...
Plot: The best-selling book by Caleb Carr is the basis for "The Alienist," a psychological thriller set amidst the vast wealth, extreme poverty and technological innovation of 1896 New York. A never-before-seen ritualistic killer is responsible for the gruesome murders of boy prostitutes, and newly appointed...
Plot: A disparate set of characters deal with a plethora of crimes in different time periods. The only thing they share in common is their connection to the Midwest, USA.
Plot: `Rellik' unravels the obsessive hunt of DCI Gabriel Markham to find the serial killer who left the detective both physically and mentally scarred. Telling the tale backwards from the end, the story begins with the capture of the killer, and reverses from kill to kill to the very beginning of the murderer...
Plot: Police officers and detectives around the USA are forced to face dark secrets about themselves and the people around them while investigating homicides.
Plot: Cormoran Strike is a series of crime fiction novels written by British author J. K. Rowling, published under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. The story chronicles the cases of private detective Cormoran Strike and his partner Robin Ellacott. Five novels in the series have so far been published. Wikipedia...
Plot: After treating her mental illness, crime reporter Camille Preaker returns to her hometown to solve the murder of two young girls. However, she is forced to face and deal with her own demons too.
Plot: John Luther, a passionate detective, ends up befriending a psychopath and murderer, whom he could not arrest due to lack of evidence, and they solve various cases together.
Plot: Based on Joe Hill's New York Times best-selling novel of the same name, "NOS4A2" is a different kind of vampire story. It follows Vic McQueen, a gifted young woman who discovers she has a supernatural ability to find lost things. This ability puts her on a collision course with the evil and immortal...
Plot: A retired FBI agent, Ryan Hardy, sets out to deal with an incarcerated serial killer, Joe Carroll, who has created an army of slayers to carry forth his objective.
Plot: Based on Stephen King's best-selling novel of the same name, "The Outsider" begins by following an investigation which at first seems like it will be simple and straightforward but things change as it leads into the gruesome murder of a young boy by a seasoned cop. When an insidious supernatural force...
Plot: Howard Silk, a low-level bureaucrat in an agency, is not in a good place in life. He discovers that the agency that employs him is a gateway to a new dimension.
Plot: Catching a criminal often requires the authorities to get inside the villain's mind to figure out how he thinks. That's the job of FBI agents Holden Ford and Bill Tench. They attempt to understand and catch serial killers by studying their damaged psyches. Along the way, the agents pioneer the development...
Plot: Acclaimed writer Hans Rosenfeldt continues his first British drama following the international success of the Swedish/Danish series `The Bridge'. Anna Friel stars in the lead role of Marcella Backland, a British police detective working in contemporary London. Set in Rosenfeldt's unique style of Nordic...
Plot: Based on Kem Nunn's acclaimed novel, this provocative thriller follows Dr. Eldon Chance ("House" star Hugh Laurie), a San Francisco-based forensic neuropsychiatrist who has some skeletons in his closet. After being drawn into the crosshairs of an alluring patient who may or may not be struggling with...
Plot: Stephen King's 1980 novella "The Mist" -- adapted into a feature film by Frank Darabont in 2007 -- is re-imagined this time for TV by executive producer/writer Christian Torpe. Set in the small town of Bridgeville, Maine, the story centers on a family torn apart by a heinous crime. In the aftermath...
Plot: Detective Harry Ambrose investigates various atrocious murder cases and tries to analyse the reasons behind ordinary people committing heinous crimes.
Plot: Malcolm Bright, a former FBI profiler, is the son of a serial killer and suspects that he himself might become a sociopath. He solves crimes for the NYPD as a form of absolution for his upbringing.
Plot: Children's TV is usually wholesome entertainment that can be enjoyed by the whole family, but child psychologist Mike Painter thinks there's one show in particular -- "Candle Cove" -- that might not have been so innocent. No one seems to remember the 1980s show except for Mike, and he has ever-growing...
Plot: Tony and Emily Hughes go to France on a holiday with their five-year-old son Oliver. However, when their car breaks down one night in a small town, Tony suddenly loses sight of his son.