Plot: Years after becoming friends at Harvard, Ethan, Lisa, Sam, Nick, Max and Marianne are heading into a new era -- their 40s. This series, created and executive produced by Nicholas Stoller, delves into interwoven and complicated relationships, including former romantic entanglements and comedic explorations...
Plot: Rob Schneider gained fame for the years he spent as a member of the "Saturday Night Live" ensemble in the 1990s, with appearances in a slew of films since then keeping him relevant. He was playing characters on those projects, but this series showcases his real life, or at least an "exaggerated yet...
Plot: Four friends find out that money and success aren't everything they're made out to be after selling their startup for a cool $300 million. Sensitive Josh finds himself immediately crippled with the guilt and the social implications of his newfound wealth, while Leon gives in to his baser desires, goes...