Plot: Admitting the fishing show industry desperately needs something different, the producers of "Discovering Water" say it offers "a breath of fresh air with an Anthony Bourdain-inspired lifestyle format." The half-hour program integrates travel, culture, culinary, and adventure while utilizing a passion...
Plot: With the help of tour-de-force entertainer Kevin Hart, fast-rising comics get a leg up on the competition by making a critical career leap. "The Next Level" spotlights the funny men and women as they prepare for their first televised half-hour stand-up special. Each episode features a single performer...
Plot: Owner Bud Hodson and the staff at Tikchik Narrows fishing lodge approach each day by keeping in mind a crystal clear mission: to deliver on a dream of a deluxe Alaskan vacation. Located in the pristine wilderness of Bristol Bay, the luxury lodge welcomes well-to-do guests from around the world -- each...
Plot: From basics to advanced techniques, experts and guests offer novice and experienced anglers advice for catching pike, trout, salmon, bass and other fresh- and salt-water fish native to North America. Episodes include underwater footage, animated sequences and aerial shots of North American landscapes...