Plot: Over two episodes, biologist Patrick Aryee goes on a journey to discover the amazing world of cat species that has spanned over 11 million years. While exploring the evolution of these mammals over the years Aryee also examines how these feline creatures have survived harsh environments, becoming king...
Plot: Following Patrick Aryee and a cast of infant animals as they face their first days, weeks and months on earth. Exploring places around the world from Australia to the Costa Rican Coast.
Plot: In Smithsonian Channel's three-part series, "Amazing Dogs," biologist Patrick Aryee follows the twists and turns of the canine family tree, traveling from the Americas to Asia and Africa. He meets dangerous and wondrous wild dogs, including the Arctic fox, the maned wolf and the racoon dog. He also...
Plot: Shot across the continents of Australia, Asia, the Americas and Africa, this three-part nature documentary series delves into the Earth's biggest beasts, from five-ton elephant seals to the dignified African lion. Biologist Patrick Aryee embarks on a global mission to explore the biggest beasts and...
Plot: Biologist Patrick Aryee presents this three-part series exploring the world's primates and their evolution. With a 65 million year history, this animal species has had an extraordinary journey through time. Aryee travels to remote sites in Central and South America, Africa and Asia to get up close...
Plot: Big cat expert Giles Clark embarks on his biggest undertaking yet in `Big Cats About the House': Running the Big Cat Sanctuary in Kent, which Giles hopes to turn into a centre of global excellence conservation. The three-part observational documentary shows how Giles takes care of cheetah Willow and...
Plot: This wildlife documentary follows Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and a team of experts as they travel across seas to find the world's most extraordinary animal stories. The series focuses on animal intelligence, exploring remarkable behaviours, relationships and actions of various species. In Florida,...
Plot: A celebration of the magnificent qualities of the Masai Mara's three big cat species -- the lion, leopard and cheetah, including some of the threats they face and what protections are needed to continue their survival into the future.