Plot: This live series explores the extraordinary wildlife at Monterey Bay, California. The region is home to a great variety of marine animals and more are making their way to the area. The episodes capture this natural event as it happens, discovering what is above and beneath the surface. Presenters Matt...
Plot: Host Martha, an amateur beekeeper with no formal training, talks to various experts regarding the science, art and culture of the honey bee, one of the most ingenious insects known to humankind.
Plot: Whenever documentary filmmakers at Discovery Channel and the BBC unite for a project, stellar television seems to follow. The breakthrough natural history series "Life" stemmed from this collaboration in 2009, and "Africa" follows suit in stunning fashion. It's narrated by actor Forest Whitaker, who...
Plot: Set in the same universe as `Doctor Foster', and by the hands of the same creator Bartlett, `Life' follows the lives and woes of the residents of a Manchester house divided into four different flats. Gemma Foster's neighbour, Emma, portrayed by `The Crown's Victoria Hamilton, now goes by the name of...
Plot: This wildlife documentary follows Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and a team of experts as they travel across seas to find the world's most extraordinary animal stories. The series focuses on animal intelligence, exploring remarkable behaviours, relationships and actions of various species. In Florida,...
Plot: Lifelong adventure angler and world record-holding fisherman Jakub VΓΒ‘gner goes on extreme fishing expeditions to the most remote regions of the world. Along the way he meets the locals, observes their customs and hears some surprising fishing legends.
Plot: Based in a different location around the UK each spring, `Springwatch' takes a look at the lives of wild animals in their natural habitats, showcasing the beauty and diversity of wildlife around the country. The presenters follow the activities of the animals through footage captured on a series hidden...
Plot: William Edgar Oddie OBE is an English writer, comedian, composer, musician, artist, birder, conservationist, television presenter and actor. He was a member of comedy trio The Goodies. Wikipedia