Plot: Film critic and writer David Poland hosts this series, which features him conducting celebrity interviews. The interviewees, who include actors and filmmakers, talk with Poland about their crafts, careers, lives and latest projects, often sharing stories that provide viewers with new insights into...
Plot: Narrated by Christopher Plummer, this seven-part production is a comprehensive guide through the history of the American movie industry. Each one-hour documentary focuses on a different era in American movies, spanning from the invention of the first moving pictures to the cutting-edge films of the...
Plot: Actress Keeley Hawes narrates this five-part miniseries, which celebrates 50 years of the televised historical drama. It begins by featuring `The Adventures of Robin Hood' and continues with such classic period dramas as `The Forsyte Saga', `Upstairs, Downstairs' and `Brideshead Revisited'. Among the...
Plot: Reese Hardin and Jacey Wyatt are the perfect Hollywood couple -- he's an action movie star, she's a beloved dramatic actress. They live together with their two children, Apache and Moonglow, in Malibu, Calif. However, their home life is complicated by the presence of Reese's 16-year-old rebellious...
Plot: This educational/informational weekly series showcases how and why movies are made, including behind-the-scenes filmmaking and special effects techniques, in addition to introducing teenagers to career opportunities within the motion picture industry.
Plot: Want your entertainment information in quick-hit 12-minute doses? "Starz Studios" provides just that, with new movie previews, celebrity interviews, Hollywood headlines and inside access to original productions airing on the Starz family of networks.
Plot: Renowned film critic Leonard Maltin, known for his annual "Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide" books, hosts this series in which he reviews the latest films to be released in theaters as well as on DVD, Blu-ray, video on demand and pay-per-view services. In addition to recent releases, in each episode Maltin...
Plot: Emerging African-American filmmakers get the chance to showcase their short films in this contest. Hundreds of applicants have been narrowed to 10, and after each of the films is featured on the show, the winner of the grand prize -- the opportunity to produce a short film for BET -- is picked. Kim...