Plot: Ferhunde Hanim is a post-middle-aged housewife who still cares about her 3 daughters and their marriages. Ferhunde lives with her beloved husband and her closest friend Suzi that helped Ferhunde while raising her children. Even though kids have become mature they still need help and their mother and...
Plot: Bizimkiler was a Turkish drama, represented the lives of the people who shared the same neighborhood. It is also the name of musical project run by ANS TV. The show is development of the movie Kapıcılar Kralı for which Umur Bugay who is the creator of the tv series, was the screenwriter. Wikipedia...
Plot: "The Paradise Quarter" is located at the outskirts of Istanbul. A place abundant with dance, music and love. The most beautiful girls, the most swaggering young men, the most talkative, nice and emotional people are living here. "The Paradise Quarter" is located at the outskirts of Istanbul. A place...