Plot: A landmark production that first aired in the 1970s, director Tony Palmer's 17-part documentary covers the history of modern popular music, from its earliest origins through the mid-'70s. Among the included genres are folk, ragtime, musical theatre, swing, jazz, blues and of course rock 'n' roll. Palmer...
Plot: Host Tim Hofman has been following 5 young people for a year. They all have one thing in common: they know they are going to die. They all have a form of cancer. Tim Hofman talks with them with an open mind.
Plot: Belgian version of British quiz show "The Weakest Link". A group of contestants answer questions on a variety of subjects, with the entire group being awarded cash for each correct answer. At the end of each round, the group votes to remove one of the players ("The Weakest Link"), until only two are...
Plot: RTL Boulevard is a daily television programme on the Dutch broadcasting station RTL 4. It was set up as a television equivalent of a tabloid, with a lot of airy subjects, news items and gossip about the stars, fashion and criminality. The programme is renowned for its sarcastic and cynical tone. Wikipedia...
Plot: I Can See Your Voice is an international television mystery music game show franchise. It is based on the South Korean program of the same name. Wikipedia
Plot: Poppy and Branch discover that there are six different troll tribes scattered over six different lands. Each tribe is also devoted to six different kinds of music -- funk, country, techno, classical, pop and rock. When rockers Queen Barb and King Thrash set out to destroy the other music, Poppy and...
Plot: Soundmixshow was a Dutch talent show; hosted by Henny Huisman, as a live-vocals version of the Playback Show. It has since been sold to other countries, notably as the European Soundmix Show. Wikipedia
Plot: Dieter takes people with Down syndrome on a journey. He wants to give them a good time, but will also take the opportunity to get a better idea of what it is like to live with Down syndrome.