Plot: This entry in Amazon's "All or Nothing" sports-documentary franchise goes behind the scenes of one of the most historic clubs in international soccer, Manchester City. The series gives viewers a look at an entire Premier League season for the team, going inside the world-leading training facilities...
Plot: In the fall of 1997, Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls allowed a film crew to follow them as they went for their sixth NBA title in eight seasons. That resulted in a stunning portrait of one of the sport's most iconic athletes and a celebrated team. "The Last Dance" follows the Bulls' 1997-98 season...
Plot: The Last Narc is a docuseries about the 1985 death of U.S. DEA agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena. The series interviews DEA agents and witnesses to Camarena's death who state that he was murdered by Mexican drug lords, with the complicity of the CIA. The series was released by Amazon in July 2020. Wikipedia...
Plot: Experiencing the planet's natural beauty through an examination of how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope.
Plot: In the small town of Corsicana, Texas, hard-driving head cheer coach Monica Aldama demands perfection from her team of competitive college athletes.
Plot: This Netflix original series follows college football teams that aren't major programs and don't get much national attention. After a couple seasons of profiling recruits at East Mississippi Community College, which has won several NJCAA national titles, the reality series shifts its focus to Independence...
Plot: Season 2 of this Amazon-original docuseries follows the entire 2016 NFL season for the Rams, which started with their relocation back to Los Angeles. Other notable events that are uniquely explored in this series include the hiring of a new head coach, as well as action on the field and the team's...
Plot: In mathematics, a trigonometric series is a series of the form: It is called a Fourier series if the terms and have the form: where is an integrable function. Wikipedia
Plot: Competing in the Tour de France is grueling for cyclists, who must travel more than 2,000 miles in 21 stages over the course of 23 days. That means proper nourishment is critical for participants in the race, who rely on chefs to give them the food they need to perform at the top of their games. For...
Plot: A mix of non-scripted TV staples food and business, `Million Pound Menu' allows aspiring restaurant owners to coin their food and business plans to some of the most influential investors of the food industry. With substantial amounts of money ready to be spent on the brightest cooking talents, the series...
Plot: Popular chef Jamie Oliver whips up appetising meals within 30 minutes while sharing his valuable insights and professional tips on cooking delicious food.
Plot: Hosted by Nadiya Hussain and Zoe Ball, "The Big Family Cooking Showdown" sees 16 families compete for the top spot. The competition takes place over eight heats, three semifinals, and one final, with each of the heats split into three categories: the £10 challenge, the home visits challenge, and...
Plot: Basil Fawlty, an intolerant and rude manager tries to run the hotel, constantly under verbal attack from his unhelpful wife Sybil and hindered by the incompetent Manuel; their Spanish waiter.
Plot: This reality show follows 14 ordinary people who must go on the run and remain undetected for a period of 28 days. On their trail is an expert team of hunters who use modern policing and security methods to find and capture the participants. The acting fugitives are not allowed to bring any funds an...
Plot: An international documentary strand that comprises 20 contemporary and challenging documentaries from different filmmakers gathered from across the globe.