Plot: Artist Gary Spetz's favorite painting method is watercolor, and the many scenic locations across the United States used as subject matter for this series prove to be a perfect fit for the medium. Like many television art-instruction programs, Spetz caters his show to beginners, offering lessons that...
Plot: Gary Spetz's travel diaries highlight the path the draftsman and photographer took while making his drawings. Spetz encourages his viewers to perceive the beauty of simple landscapes.
Plot: Artist Gary Spetz chooses the subjects of his paintings from wilderness locales around the world -- from Alaska to the Mexican Riviera to Hawaii. Each episode has easy-to-follow art lessons that feature detailed demonstrations and step-by-step instructions -- the entire process from beginning to end...
Plot: American painter Bob Ross offers soothing words of encouragement to viewers and painting hobbyists in an enormously popular series that has captivated audiences worldwide.
Plot: Learn to draw dragons, spaceships, castles, mermaids and more with cartoonist Mark Kistler. Known as Commander Mark on the hit 1980's Public Television Series the `Secret City', he continues his lifelong mission to teach the world to draw in 3D.