Plot: Help Us Get Married is an American reality web television series that premiered on May 3, 2018 on Facebook Watch. The series is hosted by Tamera Mowry-Housley and follows three couples who are trying to plan their weddings with the help of the Facebook community. Wikipedia
Plot: After After Party is an American web television late-night talk show hosted by comedian Sonia Denis that premiered on August 13, 2018, on Facebook Watch. Episodes air on weekdays, five nights per week, at 9:00 PM EST and feature a panel of guests alongside sketches featuring Denis and the show's writing...
Plot: Returning the Favor is an American reality web television series that premiered on August 28, 2017 on Facebook Watch. It follows Mike Rowe as he travels across the United States in search of people who are giving back to their communities. Wikipedia
Plot: No Script with Marshawn Lynch is an American comedy reality web television series that premiered on October 12, 2017 on Facebook Watch. It follows football player Marshawn Lynch as he finds himself in various comedic situations and is joined by an array of guest stars. Wikipedia
Plot: RelationShipped, is an American reality, web television series, that premiered on November 9, 2017, on Facebook Watch. The interactive series, produced by BuzzFeed, allows viewers to influence decisions and events in each episode. Wikipedia
Plot: Curse of Akakor is an American reality web television docuseries that will premiere on August 11, 2019 on Facebook Watch. It follows six investigators in the Amazon rainforest searching for the lost city of Akakor, and detailing past experiences of explorers who unsuccessfully made the same search....
Plot: Anderson Cooper Full Circle is an American web television news program hosted by Anderson Cooper that premiered on July 16, 2018 on Facebook Watch. The show is broadcast on weekdays at 6:25 PM ET. Wikipedia
Plot: Inside the Madness: Kentucky Basketball is an American reality web television series that premiered on February 17, 2018 on Facebook Watch. Wikipedia
Plot: Fly Guys is an American reality web television series that premiered on February 2, 2018 on Facebook Watch. It follows a group of acrobats and stunt artists as they carry out a new and difficult stunt in each episode. Wikipedia
Plot: BackCourt: Wade is an American reality web television series that premiered on November 20, 2017 on Facebook Watch. It follows NBA basketball player Dwyane Wade and how he spends his time off-the-court. Wikipedia
Plot: Undivided ATTN: is an American news program hosted by Hannah Stocking, Juanpa Zurita, Trae Crowder, and Lele Pons that premiered on July 18, 2018 on Facebook Watch. The show is broadcast on Wednesdays at 9 PM ET. Wikipedia
Plot: Mic Dispatch is an American news program hosted by Natasha Del Toro that premiered on July 17, 2018 on Facebook Watch. The show is broadcast on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM ET. Wikipedia