Plot: Bli Sodot, was an educational television show broadcast on Israeli Educational Television during the years 1983â1986 and on reruns during the mid-1990s. The show was intended for lower grades of Elementary, seeking to help with their reading. Wikipedia
Plot: Rega im Dodley was an original Israeli TV show for children, Produced by the Israeli Educational Television, and to this day remains successful in reruns on IETV's home network, Channel 23. The program aired for 5 years and then aired reruns and has won great popularity in the seventies and eighties...
Plot: Parpar Nechmad is a long-running Israeli children's television program, aimed mainly at pre-schoolers. The show premiered in January 1982 and ran until 2004. It was produced by the Israeli Educational Television, and to this day remains successful in re-runs on IETV's home network, Channel 23. Wikipedia...
Plot: Kishkashta was the main character in one of the first Israeli Educational Television shows, Ma Pit'om, written by, among other screenwriters, Tamar Adar. Wikipedia
Plot: Mrs. Pepper Pot, known in Japanese as Spoon Oba-san and in the United States as Madame Peppermint, is a Japanese anime television series, based on the children's books of Mrs. Pepperpot by the Norwegian author Alf Prøysen. Wikipedia
Plot: Zehu Ze! was a long-running Israeli entertainment television program produced by Israeli Educational Television and broadcast on the Israeli Channel 1 and on Channel 2. The program ran from 1978 to 1998. The program was originally promoted as a youth program, and was composed of several comedy segments...