Plot: Honey is excited to attend a parenting class that encourages moms to listen to their babies taught by self-proclaimed child sage, Wilhelmina Page (Niecy Nash), but when her mother, Fay (Cheryl Hines), ridicules the idea, it exposes communication issues of their own. When Honey turns to Jessica for support...
Plot: LIKE A SLAVE The main characters find themselves in a provincial town of Ozersk driven there by a number of cult murders,which happened within a few months, and left the entire town paralyzed with horror. On the bodies of all victims recovered by detectives there were found pieces of jewelry from the...
Plot: The story of novelist Fiodor Dostoïevski as he is brought to St Petersburg in 1849 for execution. A chronicle of his relationships, his struggles with poverty, and how he came to be imprisoned in Omsk.