Plot: Nur is a 2018 Malaysian television drama series directed by Shahrulezad Mohameddin, starring Amyra Rosli as the titular role and Syafiq Kyle as Ustaz Adam. The series focuses on the relationship between a pious man and a prostitute who practices her faith in an unconventional manner. Wikipedia
Plot: In mathematics, a series is, roughly speaking, a description of the operation of adding infinitely many quantities, one after the other, to a given starting quantity. The study of series is a major part of calculus and its generalization, mathematical analysis. Wikipedia
Plot: After her bitter divorce, Nina, a trainee nurse, returns to the world of illness and medicine with the determination to serve the sick and fight the diseases.
Plot: Daily weather forecasts are just part of Evening Edition. Anchors Paul, Alexandra and Jim review the day's events, both nationally and internationally. The weather team shares weather reports, seasonal events, environmental issues and segments about historical weather occurrences.
Plot: Gerak Khas is a Malaysian police procedural television drama series broadcast on Radio Televisyen Malaysia. First aired on April 5, 1999, it become the longest-running drama series on Malaysian television with 19 seasons and more than 1,000 episodes aired as of 2020. Wikipedia
Plot: Mum is trying to do some work but Melody is enjoying herself making a lot of noise and pretending to be an elephant. Mum suggests Melody listens to some music. Melody sits back and listens to Mozart's Horn Concerto No 4 which, in her mind, takes her into an animated story about a noisy elephant who...