Plot: A love story between a broadcaster on a radio station, which originally belongs to an aristocratic family but now lives in a popular neighborhood, and a young man who joins her at the same radio station, whose mother marries a rich man who takes the family to another level and the dramatic transformations...
Plot: A middle-class family suddenly penetrates their lives, a lawyer claims that the daughter of this family (Mai Ezz El-Din) is in fact not the daughter of (Hussein Fahmy), the head of the family, and that she is the daughter of a wealthy businessman who left her and her mother (Raghda) great wealth. Family...
Plot: Naseeby We Esmetak is an Egyptian drama series that aired on the 23rd of January 2016 on CBC Drama, starring Egyptian star Hani Salama alongside Nicole Saba, Sherin Adel, Mai Selim and Ahmed Fahmy. Wikipedia