Plot: The Guy is a nameless marijuana dealer in Brooklyn who delivers his goods via bicycle to stressed-out clients across New York City, who try to savour the highs of life in an increasingly volatile world. While dropping off weed to his customers, he makes brief appearances in their lives to get a glimpse...
Plot: Based on an award-winning play ("The Audience") by showrunner Peter Morgan, this lavish, Netflix-original drama chronicles the life of Queen Elizabeth II from the 1940s to modern times. The series begins with an inside look at the early reign of the queen, who ascended the throne at age 25 after the...
Plot: Robert "Bobby" Kennedy led a political career that included serving as attorney general during the presidential administration of his brother, John, but he had greater ambitions. Those ambitions included running for president with a campaign that lasted only 83 days before he was assassinated in Los...
Plot: "Rapture" takes a look at the impact that hip-hop has had on global culture by diving into the lives of some of the genre's biggest artists. Each episode focuses on a particular performer, following them while spending time with friends and family and while out on tour performing for legions of fans...
Plot: Toni Hamady is tired of living a life of crime and wants to change things so he can have a quiet existence with his wife and daughter. That plan doesn't come to fruition, though, when a police sting that has devastating consequences crosses his path. He is forced to again step up as the leader of his...
Plot: In a futuristic Western-themed amusement park, Westworld, the visitors interact with automatons. However, all hell breaks loose when the robots begin malfunctioning.
Plot: After being wrongly fired, a young investment banker receives an offer for her dream job. Forced to give up everything, she commits to her new position, but realises that her former boss has been manipulating her.
Plot: A disparate set of characters deal with a plethora of crimes in different time periods. The only thing they share in common is their connection to the Midwest, USA.