Plot: Ning Yi is the calculating, ambitious sixth prince of the ruling kingdom but has learned to hide his true personality behind a carefree facade after corrupt officials charge his mother with high treason. Over the course of the next decade, Ning Yi establishes a secret information network and waits for...
Plot: After escaping death, Northern Liang's princess Feng Xin Er assumes the identity of her saviour, Li Weiyoung, in order to obtain revenge against the enemies who destroyed her kingdom.
Plot: An investigator with a supernatural ability to determine guilt joins with a forensic specialist, a spirit medium and a reporter to root out a hidden cult threatening their early 20th-century river town.
Plot: Hidden away by her mother, the Floral Goddess, the naΓ―ve Jinmi is drawn to Xufeng, the Heavenly Emperor's son, yet forces conspire against them.