Plot: Based on Stephen King's best-selling novel of the same name, "The Outsider" begins by following an investigation which at first seems like it will be simple and straightforward but things change as it leads into the gruesome murder of a young boy by a seasoned cop. When an insidious supernatural force...
Plot: Emmy winner Mike Judge has made a name for himself as an animator and producer ("King of the Hill," "Beavis and Butt-Head," "Silicon Valley"), but it's his lesser-known roots as a musician that equally informs "Tales From the Tour Bus." The half-hour series, which Judge co-created, executive produces...
Plot: `The Defiant Ones' tells of the unbreakable bond of trust and friendship between music legends Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre, two street-smart men from different worlds who together defied traditional wisdom and transformed contemporary culture in the process. Filmed over a three-year period by director...
Plot: Created by Bill Dubuque ("The Accountant," "The Judge"), this drama series stars Jason Bateman as Marty Byrde, a financial planner who relocates his family from Chicago to a summer resort community in the Ozarks. With wife Wendy and their two kids in tow, Marty is on the move after a money-laundering...
Plot: Hip-hop music first developed in the United States in the 1970s and has steadily grown in popularity in the decades since then. This docuseries traces the genre's dynamic evolution from the beginning through the 1990s. It starts with a look at artists -- including Afrika Bambaataa and Grandmaster Flash...
Plot: Since its premiere in 1986, this Emmy-winning documentary series has presented hundreds of hours comprising profiles of outstanding American cultural artists. Past subjects have included Charlie Chaplin, Helen Hayes, pop icon Andy Warhol, singer Billie Holliday and composer-conductor Leonard Bernstein...
Plot: When the flamboyant genius maestro Rodrigo is hired to conduct the New York Symphony, he ends up welcoming the ire of his successor and the love of a young oboist.
Plot: The biographical series begins when Los Cangris, Nicky Jam and Daddy Yankee's group, becomes one of the most successful acts of reggaeton in Puerto Rico, though still underground and strongly linked to the streets, drugs and crime. The reggaeton movement went from from being a public enemy to serving...