Plot: The series follows the lives of four teenage girls - Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily; four estranged friends whose darkest secrets are about to unravel.
Plot: Based on Charlaine Harris' book series by the same name, "Midnight, Texas" follows the lives of the strange inhabitants of a small town in the middle of nowhere, where the concept of normal is relative. A haven for vampires, witches, psychics, hit men, and others with extraordinary backgrounds, Midnight...
Plot: Surgeon Alex Reid finds herself in a state of shock when her charismatic fiance -- Chief of Surgery Charlie Harris -- ends up in a coma. While she and a surgeon who has just arrived at Toronto's Hope-Zion Hospital work to save Dr. Harris' life, the patient takes leave of his body and begins wandering...
Plot: Catherine Bell reprises her role of Cassie Nightingale in this series based on `The Good Witch' franchise of made-for-TV movies. Nightingale, the titular sorceress, embarks on a magical journey with teenage daughter Grace, who shares her mother's intuitive charm. When divorced Dr. Sam Radford and his...
Plot: The series revolves around the life of a mother and her two daughters, who are unaware of their magical birth right, that they are indeed powerful and immortal witches.
Plot: Ichabod Crane is resurrected and transported through time to unravel an ancient mystery. Subsequently, he goes on a mission to stop the murderous Headless Horseman, who has been revived alongside him.
Plot: Rip Hunter, a time traveller, comes to know of Vandal Savage's plan to cause an apocalypse to destroy Earth and time. However, he assembles superheroes to thwart Savage's evil plan and save the world.
Plot: Having ended their persecution by cutting a deal with the government to use magic in the service of national security, they are now enlisted at an early age to train in combat witchcraft under the steely discipline of an all-female command.
Plot: The Runaways is an American drama television series. The series stars Michael Biehn, Alan Feinstein, Patti Cohoon-Friedman, James Callahan, Karen Machon and Robert Reed. The series aired from April 27, 1978, to September 4, 1979, on NBC. Wikipedia
Plot: Jefferson Pierce, a vigilante with the power to harness electricity, is forced to come out of retirement and fight the increasing crime in his neighbourhood.
Plot: Kara Danvers who is Superman's biological cousin is forced to unveil her hidden powers and protect the inhabitants when an unexpected disaster strikes National City.
Plot: Wolfblood is a British-German fantasy teen drama television series targeted at a young audience. Created by Debbie Moon, it is a co-production between CBBC and ZDF/ZDFE. The television series revolves around the life of the species known as wolfbloods. Wikipedia
Plot: Emma Swan's past disasters drag her into the small town of Maine. She is the long-lost daughter of a king, who must protect her town from the curse of an evil queen.
Plot: Blind 20-something Murphy is drifting through life in a haze of drunkenness, and her only friends are her understanding roommate Jess and Tyson, a sweet teenager she met when he saved her from a violent mugging. Murphy's life is turned upside down when, while out for a walk with her guide dog, she stumbles...
Plot: This adaptation of the "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" tale is a dark coming-of-age story that traffics in horror and the occult. In the reimagined origin story, Sabrina Spellman wrestles to reconcile her dual nature -- half-witch, half-mortal -- while standing against the evil forces that threaten her...
Plot: This post-apocalyptic drama takes place in the year 25 A.E., when an army of lower angels has waged war against mankind. Coming out of the 25-year-long battle are newly fortified cities that protect humans who survived the war. The largest of the cities -- Vega, formerly Las Vegas -- sees two houses...
Plot: Dorothy Gale finds herself in the mysterious Land of Oz after being caught up in a spiraling tornado. From there onwards, she makes her way to the Emerald City to meet a powerful wizard.
Plot: An interpretation of the Superman story features young Clark Kent coming to grips with his emerging superpowers. He must hide his abilities from his friends, including Lana Lang, the girl of his dreams, and Lex Luthor, who will one day become Superman's nemesis. Complicating matters is the presence...
Plot: On her first day at high school, Elena meets Stefan and immediately feels a connection with him. However, what she does not know is that Stefan and his brother, Damon, are in fact vampires.
Plot: When Sam and Dean join forces with an unexpected ally, the outcome alters the course of two lives; Heaven faces an attack from a dark force, driving Castiel to make an enormous sacrifice to make things right.
Plot: Agent Phil Coulson leads a team of highly skilled agents from the global law-enforcement organisation known as S.H.I.E.L.D. Together, they combat extraordinary and inexplicable threats.
Plot: When Quentin gets enroled at Brakebills, a secret school for magicians, he learns that the fantasy world which he read about as a child is real and has become a threat to humanity.
Plot: After witnessing the suicide of a girl who looks just like her, Sarah assumes her identity. But she soon discovers a compelling conspiracy that changes her life forever.
Plot: Elena Michaels is a loner in a world she never wanted to be part of. The only female werewolf in existence, she is desperate to escape from both the paranormal world she's in and the man who turned her into a wolf. So she abandons her pack and moves to a new city, where she works as a photographer...
Plot: It's the middle of the 21st century and there are new rules and a completely altered landscape on Earth after three decades of alien races arriving on the planet. Mysterious Nolan and his charge, Irisa, come to the town of Defiance, located atop the ruins of what was St. Louis, in an attempt to keep...
Plot: Bo is a small-town girl on the run after a disastrous sexual encounter with her boyfriend ends with his death. Bo learns that she is not human, but a succubus, who feeds on the sexual energy of humans. She and her kind are members of the Fae, creatures of legend, who walk among humans and feed off them...
Plot: Based on the book by Brian McGreevy and executive produced by acclaimed horror master Eli Roth ("Hostel"), this Netflix original series revolves around the peculiar residents -- and killer creatures -- of Hemlock Grove, a dilapidated former steel town in Pennsylvania. The town is composed of people...
Plot: Hope Mikaelson, the daughter of a werewolf and a vampire, attends the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted and learns to use and control her supernatural abilities.
Plot: Wynonna Earp has been away from her hometown, Purgatory, for years but returns to reluctantly take on the role that Wyatt Earp's heir is destined for -- demon protector. Her task is to take out Revenants, the resurrected souls of the criminals who were taken down at one time by her great-grandfather...
Plot: The Original family of vampires settle down in the city of New Orleans that they helped to construct several decades ago. They encounter old buddies and confront new foes.
Plot: Nick Burkhardt, a detective, begins to see what nobody else can, gruesome monstrosity. He soon realises that like his ancestors, he too is a huntsman.
Plot: Carrie Wells, a former New York detective, suffers from a rare medical condition giving her an uncommonly elaborate and photographic memory, which she uses to solve complex criminal cases.
Plot: Sookie Stackhouse works as a barmaid in Louisiana and has the ability to read people's minds. Her life changes when the vampires in her town reveal their existence to the world.
Plot: After a decade away from home, Liz Ortecho returns to her native Roswell to care for her ailing father. When she arrives, she reconnects with her high school crush Max Evans, who is now a police officer. Their chemistry is electric, but Liz soon learns something shocking: Max and his siblings are aliens...
Plot: Carmen is a 19-year-old who is a slave and a witch. She has fallen for a white man, which is a crime that has her scheduled to be burned at the stake. She receives salvation, though, when an old wizard offers her the ability to jump in time to a place where nobody believes in witches. She agrees to...
Plot: John and Mary find themselves in the middle of an epic romance while the town unfolds a supernatural truth hiding behind the veil of the infamous period in American history.
Plot: After the collapse of an oil rig, two runaway teenagers acquire superpowers and get into trouble with a drug cartel. Things get even more complicated when they start falling for each other.
Plot: A doctor is pitted against his best friend when an ancient disease turns people into vampires; from the comics by Jonathan Maberry and Alan Robinson.
Plot: Two US Secret Service agents are transferred to a classified supernatural warehouse in South Dakota to investigate reports of psychic activity there and to retrieve lost paranormal artefacts.
Plot: On her birthday, Clary Fray discovers a surprise concerning her life. The teenager is not who she thinks she is -- she comes from a long line of human-angel hybrids, called Shadowhunters, who hunt demons. After her mother is kidnapped, Clary is thrust into the world of demon-hunting. Clary relies on...
Plot: When Belgrave University student Jack Morton joins a fabled secret society, the Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose, he is thrust into a world of magic, monsters and intrigue. Out to avenge his mother's death, he uncovers dark family secrets and lands in an underground battle being waged between werewolves...
Plot: In this reimagining of the classic Dracula story, the world is dominated by vampires, requiring humans to work together to survive. The series centers on Vanessa Helsing, daughter of famed vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing, who wakes up after a five-year coma to discover a vampire-controlled world....
Plot: Based on Joe Hill's New York Times best-selling novel of the same name, "NOS4A2" is a different kind of vampire story. It follows Vic McQueen, a gifted young woman who discovers she has a supernatural ability to find lost things. This ability puts her on a collision course with the evil and immortal...
Plot: Lucas Hood, an enigmatic former swindler, assumes the identity of a murdered sheriff. But haunted by his past, he finds it difficult to carry on with his devious criminal activities.
Plot: After mastering the skill of archery on a deserted island, multi-millionaire playboy Oliver Queen returns to his city to take on the vigilante persona of Arrow to fight crime and corruption.