Plot: Buddy Valastro, a celebrity baker, and Duff Goldman, a prominent pastry chef, compete against each other in various challenges to see who is the undisputed king of desserts.
Plot: After terrifying and captivating fans for 11 seasons, the series that introduced the world to the field of authentic paranormal investigation returns with a familiar face and a brand-new spook squad. Grant Wilson, one of the original team leaders of "Ghost Hunters," joins a handpicked group of professionals...
Plot: In a forgotten corner of Northern England, Vinnie and his mates are stone-broke. Driven to a life of petty crime, Vinnie, Dylan, Cardi, Ash, Tommo and JJ's friendship has stood the test of time, but the cracks are beginning to show. When Dylan's girlfriend Erin wants out to start afresh in a new town...
Plot: With seemingly every other Hollywood celebrity checking him or herself into or out of a recovery center, this reality series has a timely feel with its depiction of addicts and the impact their illness has on those around them, resulting in an inevitable if uncomfortable intervention.
Plot: Detectives, crime writers and reporters reveal horrifying truths behind the psyche and lives of women murderers who committed some of the most perfect, cold-blooded murders in the history of mankind.
Plot: Lt. Joe Kenda spent 23 years in the Colorado Springs Police Department, where he amassed a lifetime of memories catching killers and helping solve close to 400 homicide investigations. The vivid memories are brought back to life in this hourlong series, as Kenda reopens his "Murder Books" for viewers...
Plot: Rashad Jones is a lover of all things barbecue. He takes "Eat, Sleep, BBQ" on the road on a mission to find some down-home authentic meats and different ways to use them. As a BBQ chef and also owner of a restaurant, Jones is on the ultimate journey to uncover the best BBQ in the country. He takes...
Plot: The title of this documentary series doesn't beat around the bush, but if confusion still exists for some, the re-enactments contained within should seal the deal. The hour-long episodes tell stories of sexual escapades gone wrong, resulting in a medical mishap that leaves one participant needing emergency...
Plot: Every parent dreads the day his child walks up and asks, "Where do babies come from?" That's a cakewalk, though, compared to the child who gets up and announces, "I see dead people." Chip Coffey, the psychic known to fans of `Paranormal State', licensed therapist Edy Nathan, medium Kim Russo and `sensitive...
Plot: In this hourlong docuseries, actress Leah Remini turns investigative reporter, she says, to "share the shocking truth about Scientology," the secretive, controversial church that Remini herself was a member of for years. With her personal experience acting as a driving force, Remini -- along with high...
Plot: Four couples who have been together for several years, but whose relationships are in turmoil, are matched with a new person to live with for 14 days.
Plot: Tipping the scales at over 1,000 pounds combined, the Slaton sisters try to lose enough weight to qualify for and undergo life-changing bariatric surgery and pursue their dreams.
Plot: Bobby Flay is known for his barbecue so this is the perfect show for him to showcase his barbecuing skills. In this series, Flay takes outdoor grilling to the next level by showcasing his expert grilling techniques in surprising ways. The chef, surrounded by a sea of grills and his favorite grilling...
Plot: Damaris Phillips joins fellow "Food Network Star" winner Eddie Jackson as co-host for the second season of "Kids BBQ Championship." With a new co-host comes a new format, as each episode now serves as a self-contained competition. Four youngsters enter the outdoor kitchen each week to try their hands...
Plot: A comprehensive look at the true stories behind some of the biggest headlines, with exclusive interviews with the family and friends of those involved.